ASL ® – in 3 minutes
The basics ASL (Application Services Library) is a framework and collection of best practices for application management. Target audience The target audience for ASL consists of everyone who is involved in the development and management of applications: application support personnel, application architects and designers, programmers, testers, and managers with responsibility for application development or application […]
Putting Information Management on the IT Service Management landscape
The not-for-profit ASL BiSL Foundation is forming a Leading Coalition for Information Management (IM Coalition) to help put IM on the IT Service Management landscape. The first organizations to join the coalition are itSMF USA, APMG-International, Capgemini Academy Netherlands, Quint Wellington Redwood, Van Haren Publishing and GamingWorks. Why are we doing this? The ASL BiSL […]
The priSM ® institute approves ASL and BiSL
The priSM ® institute approves ASL and BiSL June 15, 2011 Van Haren Publishing The priSM Institute® has approved the Business Information Management Foundation (BiSLF) certificate as well as the Application Management Foundation (ASLF) certificate as part of the priSM® program, a comprehensive program for professional recognition and development in the IT Service Management (ITSM) industry. […]
How ASL 2 helps you conform to ISO 16350
Title/current version: How ASL 2 helps you conform to ISO 16350 ISO/IEC 16350:2015 ASL® 2 – the Application Services Library The basics ISO/IEC 16350:2015 is a prescriptive standard for application management, whether performed internally or externally with respect to the organization that uses the applications. ASL® 2 is a descriptive framework and collection of […]
Business Change Management
Author: Brian Johnson This Whitepaper will largely focus on Business Change Management, as defined in Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) published by The Stationery Office and how programmatic Change differs from Improvement as discussed in BiSL® Next. Programmatic change is consistent with BiSL Next because it is a good practice in its own right and is […]
Complementary Frameworks
Author: Brian Johnson This whitepaper does not attempt to cover the A to Z of methods, frameworks and standards that can be used in combination with BiSL® Next (or with any of the frameworks included here). It is a brief summary of some of the more popular and widely used frameworks that have an impact […]