Wat is BiSL Next?
BiSL is een afkorting voor Business Information Services Library. Het is een leveranciers onafhankelijke publiek domein bibliotheek met handleiding en good practics voor de implementatie van business informatie management en informatie/data management. Waarom BiSL-Next Organisaties moeten omgaan met ongekende vormen van verandering in de manier waarop zij hun business voeren. Vaak worden deze wijzigingen door IT […]
Referentiemodellen in het domein Product
1 Inleiding ‘You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.’ (Steve Jobs) In dit hoofdstuk staan de methoden, standaarden, best practices en frameworks beschreven die gerubriceerd zijn onder het domein Product. Per methode, standaard, best practice […]
Wat is BiSL Next?
BiSL is een afkorting voor Business Information Services Library. Het is een leveranciers onafhankelijke publiek domein bibliotheek met handleiding en good practics voor de implementatie van business informatie management en informatie/data management. Waarom BiSL-Next Organisaties moeten omgaan met ongekende vormen van verandering in de manier waarop zij hun business voeren. Vaak worden deze wijzigingen door IT […]
The priSM ® institute approves ASL and BiSL
The priSM ® institute approves ASL and BiSL June 15, 2011 Van Haren Publishing The priSM Institute® has approved the Business Information Management Foundation (BiSLF) certificate as well as the Application Management Foundation (ASLF) certificate as part of the priSM® program, a comprehensive program for professional recognition and development in the IT Service Management (ITSM) industry. […]
Putting Information Management on the IT Service Management landscape
The not-for-profit ASL BiSL Foundation is forming a Leading Coalition for Information Management (IM Coalition) to help put IM on the IT Service Management landscape. The first organizations to join the coalition are itSMF USA, APMG-International, Capgemini Academy Netherlands, Quint Wellington Redwood, Van Haren Publishing and GamingWorks. Why are we doing this? The ASL BiSL […]
ASL ® – in 3 minutes
The basics ASL (Application Services Library) is a framework and collection of best practices for application management. Target audience The target audience for ASL consists of everyone who is involved in the development and management of applications: application support personnel, application architects and designers, programmers, testers, and managers with responsibility for application development or application […]
BiSL ® (Business Information Services Library) – in 3 minutes
Title/current version: BiSL® (Business Information Services Library) 2nd Edition The basics of BiSL® BiSL (Business Information Services Library) is a framework and collection of best practices for business information management. Summary BiSL (Business Information Services Library) was developed by a Dutch IT service provider, PinkRoccade and made public in 2005. BiSL was then transferred to the […]
Speakers corner – BiSL A Framework for Business Information Management
Speakers corner – BiSL A Framework for Business Information Management an overview of BiSL. The ASL BiSL Foundation’s Business Information Services Library. Title/current version: BiSL A Framework for Business Information Management I’d like to give you an overview of the second edition of BiSL, the ASL BiSL Foundation’s Business Information Services Library. The basics: BiSL is […]
How ASL 2 helps you conform to ISO 16350
Title/current version: How ASL 2 helps you conform to ISO 16350 ISO/IEC 16350:2015 ASL® 2 – the Application Services Library The basics ISO/IEC 16350:2015 is a prescriptive standard for application management, whether performed internally or externally with respect to the organization that uses the applications. ASL® 2 is a descriptive framework and collection of […]
Voorspelbare flexibiliteit – BiSL® in een Agile wereld
We zijn nu een paar decennia bezig met de procesmatige aanpak van informatisering. ITIL, ASL en BiSL blijken daarbij nog altijd nuttige hulpmiddelen te zijn, net als CMM in zijn diverse smaken als het gaat om de verbetering van die processen. Het is zo gewoon geworden om een Changemanager, een Problem Management proces en een […]