The future of business information management best practice
For nearly twenty years, ABF has led the market in providing guidance about BIM through the best practices published first as BiSL, and then BiSL next. The widespread acceptance of the description ‘digital information’ when describing business services provided by IT has led to ABF concluding and agreeing a strategy to relaunch all BiSL guidance under the banner of Digital Information Design (DID).
DID, BiSL follow-up, is a Business Information model that is used to identify the best practices and needs for your organisation’s BIM. Effective management of information is what enables organisations to apply datadriven decisions.
BiSL® Next is the next generation of BiSL, to improve business performance through better use of information and technology.
BiSL (Business Information Services Library) is a vendor independent public domain library for the implementation of business information management.
ASL is a vendor independent public domain library for the implementation of application management.
The DID foundation
Information systems and related applications have a long shelf life. Constant modifications are making these systems increasingly complicated and expensive to manage and renew. The control of IT processes is crucial here.
DID Foundation is a meeting place for professionals with a common interest. The Foundation encourages the improvement of working methods and the exchange of best practices. Co-operation offers great advantages. The experience of others helps to improve management processes within each organisation. And each organisation’s own experience helps other companies.
The result should be an improvement in the quality of the overall service provided industry-wide.

On 19 and 26 January the last pilot training DID foundation will be held in collaboration with APMG and ASL/BISL Foundation.
DID is the new international standard for Business Information Management, building on BISL and BISL Next. It is designed for optimal use of data within organizations and to support information managers in designing and executing business information management. DID supports the business. The DID model helps you to organize information management and provides insight into the risks of the chosen approach. With the DID best practices help you to ask better questions about how you have organized information within your organization or how you can better organize information management.
For the latest news about DID you can visit the linkedin DID group. You can also find more information on the APMG website or sign up for the DID pilot training.
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Wat is BiSL Next?
BiSL is een afkorting voor Business Information Services Library. Het is een leveranciers onafhankelijke publiek domein bibliotheek met handleiding en good practics voor de implementatie van business informatie management en informatie/data
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1 Inleiding ‘You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.’ (Steve
Wat is BiSL Next?
BiSL is een afkorting voor Business Information Services Library. Het is een leveranciers onafhankelijke publiek domein bibliotheek met handleiding en good practics voor de implementatie van business informatie management en informatie/data
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